All Saints

Wickham Market

Coming up at All Saints Wickham Market

Looking ahead - Services and Happenings for all

Week commencing Sunday 8th December - the second week in Advent

Tuesday: School Carol Service 9.30am at Church

Wednesday: Prayer Meeting 9.00 - 9.30am in The Beehive

Wednesday: Games Evening 7.00 - 9.00pm in Church

Thursday: Open Pantry for anyone in need 9.00 – 11.00am in Church

Friday: Open Door Coffee Morning 10.00am – 12 noon in Church

Friday: Carols on the Hill 5pm

December services and happenings

December 1st - Communion Service at 11.00am

December 8th  - Contemporary Service with interview at 11am

December 13th - Carol singing on The Hill at 5pm

December 15th - Communion Service at 9.30am

December 15th - Christingle Service at 11am

December15th - Carol Service at 6.30pm

Deember 22nd  - Contemporary Service with testimony time at 11am

December 24th - Midnight Communion at 11.30pm

December 25th - Christmas Day Service at 10.30am

December 29th - Benefice Service at 10.30am



Provisional January (2025) services

January 5th - Communion Service at 11.00am

January 12th  - Contemporary Service with an interview with a member of the congregation

January 19th - Communion Service at 9.30am

January 19th - Tea and Toast at 10.30am, followed by TOGETHER@11

January 19th - Praise and Prayer Informal Service at 6.30pm

January 26th  - Contemporary Service with testimony time at 11am


Games for all!

Back on Wednesday on the second Wednesday of the month

7.00 - 9.00pm in the church

All ages welcome





** Note all our 11 am services except TOGETHER@11 can be watched live or later on our YouTube Channel**


Remember there is a monthly Benefice Communion Service on the 3rd Friday, at St Peter and St Paul Pettistree,  10.30am, followed by coffee in the Church Room


There are regular times when we join to pray together for our church and community

  • Every Wednesday morning 9am - 9:30am at the Beehive.
  • Monthly on the first Monday, 7.30 - 8.30pm in the Beehive
  • Monthly on the third Monday 7:30 - 8:30pm in the Beehive


And as well as home groups there are some regular events - which may well involve a cuppa 

(See Church life)





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