All Saints

Wickham Market

All Saints is a welcoming friendly village church near the centre of Wickham Market

Our benefice has two churches, only a mile or so apart, both with bells which can often be heard on Sunday mornings before services as well as on practice evenings and special occasions. The two churches work closely together, with a shared team leadership for worship, prayer meetings, benefice choir and home groups. 

All Saints Church in Wickham Market is very close to the village centre. It is family friendly with a small special area should children need it, movable seating, a screen and sound system (which allows us to share a live stream of our main service) and with a more contemporary style of worship

St. Peter & St. Paul Church in Pettistree is also a friendly, welcoming church with a more traditional style of worship. Details of their services will be included on this web site.

Both churches draw people in Wickham Market, Pettistree and other surrounding villages, welcome visitors, those just wondering about faith and those seeking information on the events in life that may lead to a baptism, thanksgiving, wedding, or funeral service. 



Our church Prayer

Glorious Father in heaven, for your love freely given, we praise your name.

Help us point to Jesus, the gospel to proclaim.

By your Spirit, might we more and more Love, Grow, and Serve as we your Son adore.


Daily Message (NIV)

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,
Hebrews 12:1

July 28th - Revd Jenny is being licenced as Assistant Priest!

Benefice Service at All Saints at 10.30am

Followed by bring and share lunch 

All welcome



"What looked like flames or tongues of fire appeared and settled on each of them




 "Thy Kingdom Come" prayer initiative

Held between Ascension and Pentecost




The Church weekend at Sizewell April 2024

catching the vision for what is to come

being family together

worship, teaching, and prayer

relaxation, fun, and games

eating and sleeping

and so much more

For more pictures see the gallery


I am the true vine, you are the branches

John15 v 5

from Together@11 April 2024


Games for all!

Back in the Autumn!



Don't forget to look at 'Coming up' and 'Church Life' for any notices or other happenings


Keep your eye on the blogs - most weeks they relate to the 11am service


Remember our weekly or monthly events in the church


Everyone is welcome to the monthly Benefice Communion Service on the 3rd Friday of each month, 10.30am, at St Peter and St Paul, Pettistree


Our Benefice Profile can now be found by clicking here or from the folder Church Life / Benefice

We are currently in an interregnum



July services and happenings

July 7th - Communion Service at 11.00am

July 7th - Cream tea walk

July 14th  - Contemporary Service at 11am, including an interview with a member of the congregation

July 21st - Communion Service at 9.30am

July 21st - Tea and Toast at 10.30am, followed by TOGETHER@11

July 21st - Praise and Prayer Informal Service at 6.30pm

July 28th - Benefice Service at All Saints at 10.30am, followed by bring and share lunch 


August services and happenings

August 4th - Communion Service at 11.00am

August 11th  - Contemporary Service at 11am, including an interview with a member of the congregation

August 18th - Communion Service at 9.30am

August 18th - Tea and Toast at 10.30am, followed by TOGETHER@11

August 18th - Praise and Prayer Informal Service at 6.30pm

August 25th - Contemporary Service with testimony time at 11am



We take safeguarding seriously. if you have any concerns please click here for our policy and contact details.

How to find us


All Saints what3words rather.chariots.snaps

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