All Saints

Wickham Market

Coming up at St Peter and St Paul Pettistree


Link for St Peter and St Paul Chucrh Pettistree

St Peter and St Paul

Picture by Peter Schurr


The Revd Charlotte Wallington has joined the benefice as vicar

Her service of institution and induction was  live streamed

Use this link to watch later


Fundraising for the Pettistree Parish / Church Room

(cold, damp, and needing insulation)

Over £19000 has been raised including matched funding

The events and linked giving has now ended but please continue to donate as more wll be needed!

Christmas Carol Service



Easter and Holy Week events at All Saints Wickham Market for the whole benefice

Usual pattern of worship

Sunday services at 9.30am

(at Pettistree village Hall from April while work is being done in the church)

1st Sunday - Morning Prayer

2nd Sunday - Communion Service 

3rd Sunday - Morning Prayer

4th Sunday - Communion Service

5th Sunday - Communion Service


3rd Friday of each month Benefice Communion Service 10.30am, followed by coffee in the church room, but please note there is no service in April, as there is a benefice event for Good Friday, and  then from May  - August 2025 services will take place in Pettistree Village Hall while renovation work is carried out in the church



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