All Saints

Wickham Market

All Saints is a welcoming friendly village church near the centre of Wickham Market

Our benefice has two churches, only a mile or so apart, both with bells which can often be heard on Sunday mornings before services as well as on practice evenings and special occasions. The two churches work closely together, with a shared team leadership for worship, prayer meetings, benefice choir and home groups. 

All Saints Church in Wickham Market is very close to the village centre. It is family friendly with a small special area should children need it, movable seating, a screen and sound system (which allows us to share a live stream of our main service) and with a more contemporary style of worship

St. Peter & St. Paul Church in Pettistree is also a friendly, welcoming church with a more traditional style of worship. Details of their services will be included on this web site.

Both churches draw people in Wickham Market, Pettistree and other surrounding villages, welcome visitors, those just wondering about faith and those seeking information on the events in life that may lead to a baptism, thanksgiving, wedding, or funeral service. 



Our church Prayer

Glorious Father in heaven, for your love freely given, we praise your name.

Help us point to Jesus, the gospel to proclaim.

By your Spirit, might we more and more Love, Grow, and Serve as we your Son adore.


Daily Message (NIV)

The commandments, “You shall not commit adultery,” “You shall not murder,” “You shall not steal,” “You shall not covet,” and whatever other command there may be, are summed up in this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.
Romans 13:9-10

We are delighted that The Revd Charlotte Wallington has been appointed as vicar

The institution and induction service is on Thursday 27th February at 7.30pm

All welcome

This service will also be live streamed on our YouTube Channel

Use this link to watch live or later


There will be a Benefice Bring and Share Lunch after the services on March 2nd


Other dates to note

Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM)

Tuesday 22nd April at 7.30pm

Followed by cheese and wine


Church  Sizewell Weekend

Details are now available in the church

Fundraiser coffee morning Saturday March 22nd 10am - 12 noon


For more photos from sizewell 2024 see gallery


A few pictures from the Wickham Market Carol Service


And a few from Pettistree


The Wickham Market Christmas Market was held on Saturday November 30th

Lovely that the Church and Street Jesus joined in

Potsford farm goat curry pasties were great!



Fundraising for the Pettistree Parish / Church Room

(cold, damp, and needing insulation)

With the matched funding over £19000 was raised!

This has now ended but ongoing donations would be most welcome as the repair work will cost a substantial additional sum


A few more glimpses of various happenings over the last few months

Oh no - not these two again!!



This year's Remembrance Service had representatives  from local Barracks


There was a harp Concert  in the Church Saturday 19th October

by Josh Layne

Part of the proceeds went to All Saints Church Open Pantry Food Bank


Donated food to be added to Open Pantry, and food for everyone





Don't forget to look at 'Coming up' and 'Church Life' for any notices or other happenings


Remember our weekly or monthly events in the church


Everyone is welcome to the monthly Benefice Communion Service on the 3rd Friday of each month, 10.30am, at St Peter and St Paul, Pettistree




What’s on this week from February 23rd 2025

Wednesday: Prayer Meeting 9.00 - 9.30am in the Beehive

Wednesday: Open the Book 2.45pm at the School

Thursday: Open Pantry for anyone in need 9.00 – 11.00am in the Church

Thursday: Institution, Induction, and Installation of The Revd Charlotte Wallington at 7.30pm

Friday: Open Door Coffee Morning 10.00am – 12 noon in Church

Saturday Morning: Street Jesus on the Hill


Future dates for your diary

Sunday 2nd March: Benefice Shared Lunch (following the 11am Service) at 1.00pm

Wednesday 5th March: Ash Wednesday Service at Pettistree Church 3pm

Saturday 22nd March Sizewell Weekend fundraiser coffee morning 10am - 12 noon

Tuesday 22nd April: Annual Parochial Church Meeting at 7.30pm, followed by cheese and wine


February Services

February 2nd - Communion Service at 11.00am

February 9th  - Contemporary Service including an interview with a member of the congregation

February 16th - Communion Service at 9.30am

February 16th - Tea and Toast at 10.30am, followed by TOGETHER@11

February 16th - Praise and Prayer Informal Service at 6.30pm

February 23rd - Contemporary Service with testimony time at 11am

February 27th - Institution and induction of Revd Charlotte Wallington at 7.30pm


March Services

March 2nd - Communion Service at 11.00am, followed by a Benefice Bring and Share Lunch

March 5th - Ash Wednesday Service at Pettostree Church 3pm

March 9th  - Contemporary Service including an interview with a member of the congregation at 11am

March 16th - Communion Service at 9.30am

March 16th - Tea and Toast at 10.30am, followed by TOGETHER@11

March 16th - Praise and Prayer Informal Service at 6.30pm

March 23th  - Contemporary Service with testimony time at 11am

March 30th - Contemporary Service at 11am



We take safeguarding seriously. if you have any concerns please click here for our policy and contact details.

How to find us


All Saints what3words rather.chariots.snaps

Beehive what3words

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